Summer House in Denmark (How to rent & Best Locations 2024)

Kristian Ole Rørbye


Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

Whether you're new to Denmark or have been living here for a while, the summer house culture is something you can't miss. In fact, it’s a wonderful way to understand the Danish lifestyle and embrace its simplicity, tranquility, and harmony with nature.

From the characteristic hygge to laid-back activities, Danish summer houses promise a truly immersive experience into the heart of Danish culture. And in this article, we are about to unpack that for you. Let's explore the allure of Danish summer houses and help you find your own little slice of Danish summer bliss.

Key Takeaways

  • Danish summer houses are integral to Denmark's cultural fabric and offer an immersive experience of the country's summer lifestyle.
  • Situated in stunning locales, summer houses provide ample opportunities for relaxation, nature exploration, and family bonding.
  • Summer house living embraces 'hygge' – a concept of warmth, comfort, and enjoying the simple things in life.
  • Renting a Danish summer house is a simple process, with a few practical considerations to keep in mind.
  • Danish summer houses are more than just seasonal homes – they embody a lifestyle and a state of mind.

The Danish Summer House Tradition

The tradition of summer houses, or 'sommerhus' as the Danes fondly call it, is deeply woven into the fabric of Danish life. If there's one thing that can compete with the Danes' love for their bicycles, it's perhaps their fondness for these cozy, simple retreats. But where did it all begin? Let's stroll down the memory lane.

The history of Danish summer houses traces back to the early 20th century. It all started as a humble getaway for city dwellers looking to escape the hustle and bustle, reconnect with nature, and spend quality time with their families. These rustic cabins, often nestled in the countryside or by the sea, became a haven of simplicity and tranquility, far away from the demands of modern life.

Fast forward to today, and the essence of the tradition remains intact. While the summer houses have transformed over the years, ranging from classic, unadorned cottages to contemporary, luxurious villas, the heart of the summer house culture continues to be about savoring the Danish summer in its purest form. It's about slowing down, soaking in the stunning landscapes, and indulging in life's simple pleasures.

But it's not just the escape that pulls the Danes towards their beloved summer houses. It's the emotional bond, the sense of community, the memories created, and shared stories. From generations-old family houses filled with nostalgia to brand-new adventures in rented homes, every summer house has a story; every stay leaves an imprint. These intangible nuances make the Danish summer house tradition so special and captivating.

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Different Types of Summer Houses in Denmark

Now, let's dive into the delightful diversity of Danish summer houses. If you're picturing a one-size-fits-all situation, let's take a moment to paint a broader picture. Danish summer houses come in all shapes and sizes, each with its own unique appeal, just like the people who cherish them.

At one end of the spectrum, you have the classic Danish summer house: think timber-clad, cosy, and furnished, radiating an irresistible charm. These houses, often painted in soft, muted tones that blend seamlessly with their surroundings, epitome Danish simplicity. They're the kind of places that invite you to kick off your shoes, curl up with a good book, and let the world drift by. Just being there feels like a warm, comforting hug – the Danish way, if you will.

But the Danish summer house scene is not just about these vintage charmers. Enter the modern, minimalist houses: architectural wonders with sleek designs, expansive windows that let the outdoors in, and chic, contemporary decor. These houses are a testament to Denmark's reputation as a global design powerhouse. They're the places where Nordic aesthetics meet modern comfort, resulting in a sublime summer house experience.

Yet, amidst this diversity, a common thread ties all Danish summer houses together: the unmistakable sense of 'hygge'. The cozy atmosphere, the snug corners, the soft glow of candlelight, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee make these houses feel like a home away from home. 

Whether you find your heart leaning towards a charming rustic cottage or a swanky modern villa, a Danish summer house is waiting to welcome you into its warm embrace. And no matter where you stay, you're guaranteed to experience that special Danish summer magic that turns a house into a 'hygge' home. 

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Locations: The Best Spots for Summer Houses

If you're wondering where to find these enchanting summer retreats, Denmark is dotted with idyllic locations with summer house charm written all over them. From the vast, windswept landscapes of the west coast to the gentle, rolling hills of the east, the tranquil countryside to the idyllic islands, there's a perfect spot for every kind of summer house enthusiast.

Let's start with Jutland's west coast. Picture rugged dunes, wide sandy beaches, and the mesmerizing North Sea as your backyard. This is where you can experience the true Danish 'friluftsliv' (outdoor life) in all its glory. Whether hiking, beach-combing, or just sitting back and watching the sunset paint the sky, a summer house in this region is an unforgettable experience.

You have the serene east coast on the other side of the country. Think soft, sandy beaches lapped by the calm Baltic Sea, tranquil forests, and quaint coastal towns. The vibe here is more laid-back, the pace of life slower. A summer house in this area offers a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration, with numerous historical sites, charming towns, and picturesque biking trails nearby.

Denmark's countryside, too, makes for a delightful summer house setting. Imagine lush green fields stretching out as far as the eye can see, the sound of birdsong filling the air, and the sweet scent of blooming flowers everywhere. This is the place to be if you want to experience the Danish summer in its most tranquil form.

Lastly, Denmark's islands, from the larger Zealand and Funen to the smaller ones like Bornholm, Samsø, Fanø, and Møn, are speckled with lovely summer houses. Each island has its unique charm, offering an intimate, slow-paced summer house experience.

The Danish 'Hygge' and Summer House Living

We've already mentioned the term 'hygge' a couple of times, and it's high time we delve into this quintessential Danish concept. It's hard to translate 'hygge' directly into English – it's more of a feeling, a mood, a certain atmosphere. It's about warmth, comfort, and enjoying the simple things in life. And there's no better place to truly experience 'hygge' than in a Danish summer house.

Imagine this: The sun is setting, casting a warm, golden glow through the windows of your summer house. You're curled up on a comfy couch, a soft blanket draped around you. A gentle fire crackles in the stove, the scent of a home-cooked meal wafting through the air. You're surrounded by your loved ones, engaged in lively conversations or perhaps quietly enjoying a board game. You feel content, at ease, utterly at peace. This is 'hygge'.

Danish summer houses are the epitome of 'hygge'. They're not just about beautiful locations or charming interiors – they're about creating an environment where 'hygge' can flourish. It's about spending quality time with loved ones, enjoying leisurely meals together, and indulging in simple activities like reading, painting, or playing games. It's about turning off the Wi-Fi and connecting with nature, gazing at the stars, or dipping in the sea. In essence, it's about slowing down and savoring the moment.

So, as you step into a Danish summer house, prepare to embrace 'hygge'. Leave your worries at the doorstep, slip into the Danish pace of life, and let the magic of 'hygge' wash over you. Trust us, it's an experience that will warm your heart and soothe your soul, making your Danish summer house stay truly unforgettable.

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Practical Tips for Renting a Summer House in Denmark

Now that you're enticed by the Danish summer house magic, you might be thinking, "How do I get in on this?" Don't worry, we've got you covered. Renting a summer house in Denmark is a breeze, even if you're not a local. But like any good adventure, it pays to be prepared. So here are some practical tips to make your summer house hunt smooth and enjoyable.

Start Early: Danish summer houses, especially those in popular areas, get booked up pretty quickly. It's a good idea to start your search early, around the turn of the year or in early spring, to have the best selection.

Consider Your Needs: Do you dream of a seaside location, or does a countryside cottage feel more like you? How many rooms do you need? Is a dishwasher a must-have, or could you do without it for a while? Consider your needs and wishes, then filter your search accordingly.

Use Reputable Platforms: There are many platforms where you can find summer houses for rent in Denmark, but stick to the reputable ones. Some of the most popular include Novasol, Dancenter, and Airbnb. Be sure to read reviews and check the details before you book.

Understand the Costs: The listed rental price usually includes the cost of the house, but utilities like electricity, water, and heating may be extra. There's also typically a cleaning fee unless you choose to clean the house yourself before leaving. Make sure you're clear on what's included and what's not.

Learn the Rules: Each summer house has its own set of rules – some might allow pets, some might not; some might have a quiet time, others might be more lenient. Make sure you understand and respect these rules to have a pleasant stay.

Embrace the Experience: Remember, staying in a Danish summer house is about immersing yourself in the Danish lifestyle. It might be different from what you're used to – but that's part of the charm. Embrace the simplicity, the tranquility, and the 'hygge'. You're not just renting a house; you're becoming part of a Danish tradition.

Navigating the summer house rental market can seem a bit daunting, especially if it's your first time. But with these tips in mind, you'll be well-prepared to find your perfect Danish summer retreat. Happy hunting!

Experiencing Danish Summer House Activities

We've talked a lot about what summer houses are and what they represent, but now, let's dive into what you can actually do when you're living in one. Spoiler alert: it's a lot about 'hygge', but there's plenty more to enjoy!

Unwind and Relax: First and foremost, Danish summer houses are for relaxation. Let the slow pace of life seep into your bones. Enjoy a cup of coffee on the porch in the morning sun, read a book in a cozy nook, or take a nap in a hammock under the trees.

Nature Escapades: Make the most of the stunning natural surroundings. Go for a swim in the sea, a walk in the forest, or a bike ride through the countryside. If you're on the coast, don't miss the chance to build sandcastles, collect shells, or simply watch the sunset.

Cook and Dine: Danish summer houses often come with well-equipped kitchens, so why not try your hand at some Danish cuisine? Prepare a hearty Smørrebrød (open-faced sandwich) or a Frikadeller (meatballs) dinner, and enjoy it al fresco with your family or friends.

Family Time: Use this opportunity to bond with your loved ones. Play board games, tell stories, or simply chat about anything and everything. If you have kids, let them run around the garden, play on the swings, or set up a treasure hunt.

Cultural Experiences: Depending on where your summer house is located, there could be historical sites, museums, art galleries, or charming small towns nearby. Take a day to explore and immerse yourself in the local culture.

Evening 'Hygge': As the evening falls, light some candles, start a fire in the outdoor fireplace if there's one, and make some S'mores or grill a hot dog. Enjoy the tranquil Danish evening under the stars, wrapped in a blanket with a warm drink in hand.

Remember, there's no right or wrong way to spend your time in a Danish summer house. It's all about doing what you enjoy, at your own pace. So whether it's filled with activities or simply doing nothing at all, as long as it brings a smile to your face, you're doing it right! Welcome to the Danish summer house life.

Additional Resources

Dancenter: Rent summer house in Denmark

Feline Holidays: Find summer house for rent in Denmark (English website)

Sommerhusportalen: Rent private summer houses in Denmark

Kristian Ole Rørbye

ABOUT Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

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