Housing Benefits “Boligstøtte” in Denmark Explained (2024)





Peter Simonsen helps foreigners looking to explore life in Denmark. With a wealth of knowledge about the Danish culture and way of life, Peter helps newcomers adjust and thrive in their new environment.

Whether you've just moved to Denmark or are planning to, understanding "Boligstøtte" can make your transition smoother and ensure you're well informed about the financial support available to you.

Throughout this article, we'll dive into housing benefits AKA "Boligstøtte," explaining its significance, who's eligible for it, how you can apply, and the benefits it offers.

Key Takeaways

  • "Boligstøtte" is Denmark's housing benefit aimed at supporting residents with housing costs.
  • Eligibility revolves around residency status, income, type of housing, and the dwelling's size.
  • The application involves registering online, filling out forms, and submitting necessary documents.
  • "Boligstøtte" benefits include monthly monetary aid, potential additional support, and holistic welfare advantages.
  • Common challenges like the language barrier and documentation can be mitigated with proactive strategies.

What is "Boligstøtte"?

"Boligstøtte" is a Danish term that translates to "housing benefit". It's an essential welfare initiative provided by the Danish government to ensure residents, irrespective of their backgrounds, can afford quality housing within the country. Here's an in-depth look into its nature and purpose.

The Genesis of "Boligstøtte"

The concept of housing benefits isn't unique to Denmark, but the nation's approach to it, encapsulated by "Boligstøtte", reflects its commitment to social welfare and egalitarian values.

Introduced as part of Denmark's comprehensive welfare system, "Boligstøtte" aims to reduce economic disparities and ensure that every resident has access to a decent living environment.

The Core Principle

At its heart, "Boligstøtte" is a financial aid system. By providing monthly monetary support to eligible residents, it helps reduce the financial burden of housing costs.

Whether it's rent or other housing-related expenses, this benefit ensures that these costs remain manageable and don't strain an individual's or family's budget.

Who Oversees It?

The administration and distribution of "Boligstøtte" are overseen by Udbetaling Danmark, a public institution responsible for a variety of social benefits in Denmark. This centralized approach ensures consistent and transparent management of the benefit across the nation.

Why It's Essential for Foreigners

For foreigners moving to Denmark, understanding and accessing "Boligstøtte" can make a significant difference. The country, known for its high living standards, can also come with substantial living costs.

"Boligstøtte" acts as a cushion, ensuring that housing remains affordable and allowing newcomers to settle into their new environment without the added financial stress.

Eligibility Criteria

Navigating the world of housing benefits can often seem daunting, especially when in a new country. Thankfully, Denmark's "Boligstøtte" system is structured to be transparent and inclusive. Below are the primary criteria you need to meet to be eligible for this assistance.

Residency StatusMust be a legal resident or have rights as an EU/EEA citizen to live in Denmark.
IncomeMeans-tested; the benefit varies based on your annual income.
Type of HousingCan be rented, cooperative housing, or certain owner-occupied homes; must be the primary residence.
Dwelling Size & OccupantsBenefits depend on the size of the dwelling and the number of people living in it.

Residency Status Requirements

Before all else, it's essential to ensure your residency status aligns with the program's requirements. In most cases, you need to be:

  • A legal resident of Denmark or has rights as an EU/EEA citizen to live in Denmark
  • Living in the property you're applying for benefits for—it cannot be a secondary or vacation home

Income Limits

"Boligstøtte" is intended to help those who may struggle with housing costs, so there's an income check:

  • The benefit is means-tested, meaning the amount you receive depends on your (and if applicable, your partner's) annual income.
  • There are specific income ceilings, which may vary depending on factors like location, number of children, etc. It's advisable to check the latest limits on the official website or through local municipalities.

Type of Housing

The type of housing you live in plays a role.

  • The property must be your primary residence.
  • It can be a rented property, a cooperative housing unit, or certain types of owner-occupied homes.
  • Temporary housing or homes without a fixed address (like mobile homes) typically don't qualify.

Size of the Dwelling and Number of People Living In It

Lastly, the size of your home and the number of occupants matter.

  • The benefit considers the size of your dwelling in square meters and the number of people living in it.
  • Larger families in smaller homes might be eligible for higher benefits, and vice versa.
housing benefits in denmark

The Application Process

Securing housing benefits in Denmark is a structured process designed with clarity to assist applicants every step of the way. For those unfamiliar with the Danish system, the following is a breakdown of the steps involved in applying for "Boligstøtte".

Necessary Documentation

Before diving into the application itself, ensure you have the following documents on hand:

Proof of Residency: Typically, this would be a copy of your residence permit or documentation proving your rights as an EU/EEA citizen to reside in Denmark.

Income Statements: Recent pay slips or income proofs for both you and, if applicable, your partner.

Rental Agreement or Housing Documentation: This should detail the size of the property, the rent amount, and other housing costs.

Step-by-step Guide to Apply

Registering Online

Begin by registering on the official Udbetaling Danmark portal. Udbetaling Danmark is the public authority responsible for disbursing a variety of benefits, including "Boligstøtte".

Create a user ID and password if you're a new user, or log in if you already have credentials.

Filling Out the Application Form

Once logged in, navigate to the "Boligstøtte" section.

Fill out the application form, ensuring all details—especially pertaining to your income and housing specifics—are accurate.

Submitting Required Documents

Attach the necessary documents as listed above.

Ensure that all documents are legible and up-to-date to avoid any potential delays or complications.

Awaiting Response and What to Expect

After submission, your application will undergo a review process.

The processing time can vary, but applicants typically receive a response within a few weeks.

If approved, you'll receive a confirmation detailing the benefit amount and disbursement schedule. Should there be any issues or additional documentation needed, Udbetaling Danmark will reach out to you with guidance.

Benefits of "Boligstøtte"

Navigating the financial aspects of housing can often pose challenges, especially for those new to Denmark's housing system. Fortunately, "Boligstøtte" provides a substantial helping hand. Let's delve into the specific benefits it offers to recipients.

Monetary Amount: How Is It Calculated?

The primary benefit of "Boligstøtte" is a monthly monetary aid that reduces housing expenses. But how much can you expect? The calculation considers several factors:

Your Income: As a means-tested benefit, the amount is inversely proportional to your income. The lower your income, the higher the benefit you might receive.

Housing Costs: The actual rent or housing cost you incur plays a crucial role. Higher housing costs may lead to a more substantial benefit, within the confines of the program's limits.

Size and Type of the Dwelling: Larger families in smaller homes often qualify for more considerable benefits, while certain types of housing might have caps or specific calculations.

Location: In some instances, the location of your dwelling (city center vs. suburbs) can influence the benefit amount.

Frequency of Receiving the Benefits

"Boligstøtte" is typically disbursed on a monthly basis, aligning with most rental payment schedules in Denmark. Once approved:

  • You'll receive the funds directly into your specified bank account.
  • It's essential to keep your bank details up-to-date to avoid any payment delays.

Potential Additional Benefits or Links to Other Aids

Apart from the primary housing benefit, being a recipient of "Boligstøtte" might make you aware of or eligible for other related aids. While "Boligstøtte" is specific to housing, Denmark offers a range of benefits to support its residents in various spheres:

Utilities Support: In certain circumstances, there might be supplementary aids available for utilities or housing-related expenses.

Health and Welfare Benefits: Knowledge of "Boligstøtte" can be a stepping stone to understanding other welfare benefits Denmark provides, ensuring holistic support for residents.

Common Challenges and Tips

Adapting to a new country's administrative procedures can sometimes be a tricky endeavor, and applying for "Boligstøtte" is no exception. To assist you better, we've highlighted some common challenges faced by foreigners and provided tips to overcome them.

Understanding Documentation

One of the first hurdles newcomers face is understanding and gathering the necessary documentation for the application.

Familiarize yourself with official portals, as they often have comprehensive checklists and examples of documents.

If in doubt, consider reaching out to local expat communities or forums. They can offer firsthand insights and may even share their experiences to guide you.

Navigating the Online Portal

The online application system, while efficient, might be unfamiliar to those used to different platforms.

Dedicate time to explore the Udbetaling Danmark portal thoroughly before starting the application. This ensures you're well-acquainted with its functionalities, minimizing potential errors during the application process.

Language Barrier

While many official sites offer English versions, sometimes specific details or instructions might only be available in Danish.

Consider using online translation tools to aid in understanding. For crucial details, you might want to consult someone fluent in Danish, ensuring you don't miss out on any essential information.

Updates and Changes in Eligibility

Denmark's regulations and benefits might undergo periodic changes. Staying updated ensures you continue to receive the benefits without disruptions.

Regularly visit the official "Boligstøtte" website or sign up for newsletters if available. This proactive approach ensures you're always in the loop regarding any changes or updates.

Reporting Changes in Personal Circumstances

Changes in your income, family size, or housing situation can impact your eligibility and benefit amount.

Always report any significant changes to Udbetaling Danmark promptly. This ensures your benefit remains accurate and reduces the risk of potential overpayments or underpayments.

Official "Boligstøtte" Portal

Your primary resource should always be the official portal.

Udbetaling Danmark. This platform not only facilitates the application process but also houses detailed FAQs, updates on any policy changes, and specific contact details for queries related to "Boligstøtte".

Danish Language Services

Consider investing time in basic Danish language courses or utilizing translation services. Some organizations even offer courses specifically tailored for expats, focusing on administrative and daily-life terminologies.



Peter Simonsen helps foreigners looking to explore life in Denmark. With a wealth of knowledge about the Danish culture and way of life, Peter helps newcomers adjust and thrive in their new environment.

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