Child Benefit in Denmark: What You Can Expect

Kristian Ole Rørbye


Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

Denmark has a generous social security system in place for families. Child benefits Denmark offers is administered by Udbetaling Danmark, which is the Public Benefits Administration. If you are an EU or EEA citizen living and working in Denmark, you may be eligible for child benefit, also known as child cheque and family allowance.

child benefits in denmark

Understanding Child Benefit

Denmark pays child benefits for each child until they reach 18. The amount is not fixed and it depends on the following:

  • Age of the child
  • How long you have been earning in Denmark to be eligible for family benefits
  • The income of the parent receiving the benefit
  • The income of the spouse

You will receive the benefit in advance every quarter. This payment will continue until the child reaches age 15, and thereafter, the child benefit gets converted to youth benefit. This benefit is paid in arrears each month.

Who Receives Child Benefits in Denmark?

Typically, child benefit in Denmark is paid to the mother under the assumption that the child resides with the mother. However, if the child lives with the father, the payment goes to the father. On the other, if the parents have joint custody, then the benefit goes to the parent with whom the child spends the maximum time or the parent whose address is registered.

You can also receive child benefits in Denmark in the following cases:

  • Single parent
  • Twins, triplets, and quadruplets
  • Pensioner
  • The parent is still studying
  • Paternity of the child is unknown
  • The child is adopted
  • One or both parents are dead

How Child Support Differs from Child benefit Denmark

Many people confuse child support with child benefits. Just like any other country, child support in Denmark goes to the parent with whom the child lives. However, in this case, the other parent is not in the scene, and this parent pays the support amount.

The state does not pay the amount. Instead, both parents agree on the amount and then the parent who does not have the child has to ensure that the said amount reaches the custodial parent each month without fail.

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In case the parents cannot agree on the amount of child support, the matter is referred to the State Administration. The Administration takes into consideration the situation and circumstances of the parents and child and then fixes an amount that non-custodial parent has to pay.

If parents have joint custody, both parents need to share the cost of the child’s upkeep, and this expense does not form part of the child support payment.

Applying for Child Benefits in Denmark as a Foreigner

As a foreigner living and working in Denmark, you can be eligible for child benefit if you fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • You have lived or worked in Denmark in the last 10 years

  • You share the custody of your child
  • You are a citizen of EU, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Switzerland or Iceland, but your child does not reside with you
  • Have documentation to prove the relationship with the child

The percentage of child benefit in Denmark increases with the duration you live or work in the country. For instance, if you have lived merely for six months, you will receive 8.3% of the benefit. On the other hand, if you have lived in the country for 6 years or more, you will receive 100% of the child benefit.

You can also accrue the years that you have spent working or living in other EU nations, EEA or Switzerland. It is prudent to remember that the Udbetaling Danmark would have to verify this information before paying you the benefit.

The Bottom Line

The state pays child benefits in Denmark and is part of the social security scheme prevalent in the country. Child support in Denmark is the payment made by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent and is an out-of-pocket expense.

So, if you cannot make your child support payments, applying for a private loan in Denmark may be prudent to help you meet your financial obligations.

Kristian Ole Rørbye

ABOUT Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

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