Exploring the Rise of Non-Alcoholic Wine Alternatives in Denmark

Kristian Ole Rørbye


Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

In Denmark with its deep-rooted tradition of enjoying alcoholic beverages in social gatherings, there's a growing trend that's reshaping the social drinking landscape: non-alcoholic wines. These beverages offer the sophisticated flavors and communal joy of traditional wines, yet they contain no alcohol, making them a compelling choice for a wide range of social occasions and personal preferences.

This shift towards non-alcoholic options is not just a fleeting trend but a reflection of a broader societal move towards healthier lifestyle choices and inclusivity. With non-alcoholic wines, everyone can partake in the ritual of wine tasting and enjoy the complex flavors that vineyards have to offer, without the effects of alcohol. This makes non-alcoholic wines particularly relevant in Denmark, where socializing often revolves around a glass of good wine.

non alcoholic wine

Benefits of Non-Alcoholic Wines

  • Lower Calorie Count: Fewer calories per serving compared to alcoholic wines.
  • No Alcohol-Related Health Risks: Reduces the risk of liver disease, heart issues, and other alcohol-related health problems.
  • Safe for Everyone: Ideal for pregnant women, those taking medication, or anyone avoiding alcohol for health reasons.
  • Better Hydration: Without the dehydrating effects of alcohol, it's a more hydrating choice for social drinking.

Choosing non-alcoholic wines comes with significant health advantages, making them an excellent choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle while still enjoying the pleasures of a fine wine. Firstly, these wines are typically lower in calories compared to their alcoholic counterparts, which can contribute to better weight management and overall health.

Moreover, non-alcoholic wines eliminate the risk of alcohol-related health issues. This includes avoiding the potential for alcohol dependency as well as reducing the risk of liver disease, heart problems, and other conditions linked to regular alcohol consumption. By opting for a non-alcoholic variety, individuals can enjoy a festive beverage without compromising their health, aligning with the increasing health consciousness observed across Denmark.

Social Inclusivity of Non-Alcoholic Wines

Non-alcoholic wines play a pivotal role in making social gatherings more inclusive. By offering these alternatives, hosts can ensure that all guests, regardless of their personal or health reasons for avoiding alcohol, can still enjoy the experience of sharing a drink. This inclusivity extends to various scenarios, including family events where children and teenagers are present, professional settings where clarity is paramount, and situations where individuals may be driving.

Furthermore, the variety and sophistication of non-alcoholic wines mean that they are no longer seen as merely an afterthought or a compromise, but as a legitimate and respected choice. This shift helps to break down the stigma associated with not drinking alcohol in social settings, which is particularly significant in a culture like Denmark's, where social bonding often involves alcohol. By integrating non-alcoholic options into these traditions, everyone can feel a sense of belonging and participation in the communal joy of a shared meal or celebration.

A Few Brands Worth Trying

Exploring the world of non-alcoholic wines in Denmark reveals a range of brands that stand out for their innovation and commitment to quality. These producers have created products that offer complex flavors and authentic wine experiences without the alcohol. Whether you're seeking a refined dinner complement or a special beverage for a celebratory toast, these brands deliver options that promise to impress.


Arensbak, rooted deep in Copenhagen, showcases the craftsmanship of sommelier Emilie Øst-Jacobsen and flavor designer Bram Kerkhof. Their mission was to forge a non-alcoholic wine alternative that doesn't just mimic traditional wines but stands on its own with unique and complex flavor profiles developed from scratch.

Utilizing sophisticated fermentation techniques and high-quality ingredients like white Oolong tea and Gong Ting Palace Shu Puerh, Arensbak's offerings—like their Monkey Picked Tie Guan Yin for white wine lovers and Gong Ting Palace Shu Puerh for red wine aficionados—embody the depth, tannins, and vinosity of traditional wines. Their approach ensures a rich, flavor-forward experience tailored for those who appreciate the nuances of fine wine.

Alain Milliat

From the orchards of Orliénas, France, Alain Milliat brings to the table a legacy of fruit mastery and a dedication to crafting luxury French fruit juices that can rival the finest non-alcoholic wines. Starting his journey in 1997, Milliat has perfected the art of juice making by focusing on each fruit's optimal maturity and authenticity, ensuring that each sip delivers a unique and expressive taste.

His products, distributed globally, reflect a commitment to sustainable and responsible production. Alain Milliat's juices are a testament to his belief in pure, organic pleasure without additives, offering a fresh, clean taste that enhances any dining experience.

Copenhagen Sparkling Tea

Copenhagen Sparkling Tea blurs the lines between traditional sparkling wines and innovative tea-based beverages. Founded by Jacob Kocemba, a former sommelier at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Copenhagen, this brand started from a challenge to match a dessert with the perfect drink. The result was a proprietary tea blend that captivated diners and sparked a new beverage category.

Alongside partner Bo Sten Hansen, Kocemba has developed a series of sparkling teas that are celebrated for their complex flavors and gastronomic versatility, making them a sophisticated choice for any occasion.

Kolonne Null

Since 2018, Kolonne Null has set a new standard in the non-alcoholic wine industry by closely collaborating with international family wineries to ensure the highest quality. Their approach starts in the vineyard, where they discuss and plan with winemakers even before the grapes are harvested. This proactive involvement continues through every step of production, from the development in their own wine lab to the final de-alcoholization process.

Kolonne Null's dedication to capturing the essence of each wine's origin and story without alcohol makes their products uniquely compelling and authentic, appealing to both connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike.

Non-alcoholic wines are not just a passing fad but a significant and growing part of the beverages in Denmark. They offer a thoughtful alternative for those seeking the full experience of wine without the effects of alcohol.

With brands like Arensbak, Alain Milliat, Copenhagen Sparkling Tea, and Kolonne Null leading the way, Danish consumers have access to a variety of high-quality options that cater to diverse tastes and occasions.

Whether for health reasons, personal preference, or social inclusivity, non-alcoholic wines are becoming a staple in Danish dining, allowing everyone to enjoy the complexity and joy of wine culture in a new, alcohol-free format.

Kristian Ole Rørbye

ABOUT Kristian Ole Rørbye

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

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