Until July 2018, CBD in Denmark was available just with a doctor’s prescription. However, once the country amended the Euphoriant Substances act, any hemp product that had up to 0.2% THC was no longer considered a euphoric or narcotic substance*. That made it easier for people to legally purchase CBD oil and other CBD products for medical and other purposes.
It is possible to buy CBD oil in Denmark, and you no longer need a medical prescription from a licensed physician. You can purchase CBD over the counter or online, which is not considered illegal.
However, it would be best if you did not think that CBD is freely available across Denmark. It is still regulated, and that is why you should make an effort to understand the prevailing laws. Armed with the right information, you will know everything about the CBD market in Denmark and how you can get the best quality CBD oil.
Buying CBD Legally in Denmark
If you want to purchase CBD in Denmark, it is important to find a source that provides safe and effective CBD products. That is why you should know where to buy the product you are looking for.
The good news is that you can purchase CBD oil or any other CBD product from brick-and-mortar pharmacies/stores or online pharmacies and stores.
While the laws in Denmark do not prohibit you from buying CBD products from a store other than a pharmacy, it is prudent to remember that you should only purchase it from a store, online or offline, that complies with the regulations mandated by the Danish Medicines Agency, Novel Foods Regulation (EU) 2015/2283, and the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. If a store does not comply with these regulations, it sells CBD products illegally.
It would be best if you had a valid doctor’s prescription to buy CBD oil or any other CBD product from a pharmacy. If you don’t have one, you can purchase it from a store that retails CBD products. Just make sure that the store is legally selling the products and ensures the following:
- The hemp source is organic and of high quality
- A neutral third party has tested the products for safety.
- The store should not market CBD products as a treatment or cure for a disease.
When the store you want to patronize ticks these three boxes, it assures you that you are getting a high-quality CBD product that does not contain harmful pesticides and toxins like heavy metals.
The Legality of CBD in Denmark
Regarding cannabis products, the authorities in Denmark look for the amount of THC and CBD present in the product and how it affects the body when a person consumes or applies it to the skin.
It is compulsory for manufacturers of cannabis products to submit their products to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) for testing if the products are categorized as food supplements. The DVFA will give a clean chit to the products if they comply with the current food supplement regulations in the country.
Here are a few things that the regulatory bodies in consider when approving hemp or cannabis products for sale in the local market:
- Cannabis products should not contain more than 0.2% THC. This regulation came into effect in July 2018, as before that, it was illegal to sell hemp-derived products in Denmark.
- Any cosmetic that contains CBD can only be sold in the Danish market if the CBD added to it is synthetic and is not considered a narcotic as defined by the UN Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961.
In Denmark, three regulatory bodies control the sale of CBD products. This sale can be offline or online. These bodies are:
- The Danish Medicines Agency
- The Danish Environmental Protection Agency
- The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration
Together, these three agencies have listed regulations that CBD manufacturers must comply with if they want to sell their products in Denmark. They need to ensure that the labeling of the products conforms to the regulations of the three regulatory agencies.
So, while CBD derived from hemp is completely legal for sale and purchase, it must observe numerous regulations.
How is CBD Derived from Hemp Regulated in Denmark?
As stated earlier, before 2018, it was illegal to have (sell or buy) cannabis products even if they had low levels of THC, as these products were classified as euphoriant-containing products. The only way a person could buy THC-containing cannabis products is if they had a prescription from a licensed and certified doctor.
However, after the amendment of the euphoriant substance act, it was possible to purchase cannabis or hemp products as long as the THC levels were 0.2% or less, and people no longer needed a medical prescription to buy these products.
At the same time, the Danish Medicines Agency states that even if the THC level in a cannabis product is 0.2% or less, it does not necessarily make it a non-medicinal one. To label a cannabis product as a non-medicinal product, the Agency tests the concentration of active substances before confirming that it can be sold for non-medicinal purposes.
While the levels of THC are clearly defined, the same cannot be said for CBC. There is no definitive limit of CBD for a CBD product to be classified as a medicine. However, the Danish Medicines Agency will label a CBD product a medicine if it tests positive for the following:
- The active ingredients in the product are CBD and THC
- Doctors use the product to provide a medical diagnosis.
- The manufacturer or seller recommends the product to treat a disease.
On the other hand, if a product claims to be non-medicinal and is categorized as food or cosmetics, the manufacturer should adhere to Denmark’s food or cosmetic laws.
The Danish Medicines Agency works with the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to determine whether a CBD product should be classified as a medicine or food supplement.
As per regulations in Denmark, CBD oil and other CBD products come under the Novel Foods Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. This EU law is mandatory if a manufacturer wants to market its CBD products in Denmark.
The good news is that if you want to buy CBD oil in Denmark, you can do so without worries. The laws in the country relate solely to manufacturers, sellers, and retailers.
As a buyer, you are not liable; hence, you can purchase CBD oil from any source, whether online or offline, even if the Danish authorities do not regulate it. The only caveat is that THC levels should not be higher than 0.2%. If you purchase CBD oils that have higher than the stipulated THC levels, it will be illegal and can be penalized by the law.
Hemp Cultivation in Denmark
It may be a surprise to learn that hemp has been cultivated legally in Denmark since 1998. However, this cultivation is solely for industrial purposes.
Commercial hemp cultivators must submit their application to the Danish Medicines Agency to get the necessary permit and license. It takes around six weeks to get approval, and the permit is valid for one year.
Per the laws in Denmark and the EU, commercial hemp cultivators can grow hemp only if the THC level in the plant is not higher than 0.2%. The hemp can be used for cultivating seeds in cosmetics and food, hemp flour, hemp seed oil, grains, and hemp protein powder.
Commercially grown hemp cannot be used for medicinal purposes. Hence, if cultivators want to grow hemp or cannabis for medicinal use, they must get a different license from the Danish Medicines Agency.
Danish Legal references we used to write this article
Please see these references we used to write the article and make sure that the statements we made here are 100% correct according to the danish laws regarding CBD products.
- https://laegemiddelstyrelsen.dk/da/special/medicinsk-cannabis/aendringen-af-thc-graensen-fra-1-juli-2018/
- https://laegemiddelstyrelsen.dk/da/special/medicinsk-cannabis/spoergsmaal-og-svar-om-medicinsk-cannabis/
- https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2021/2539
- https://www.foedevarestyrelsen.dk/Leksikon/Sider/Hampeplanter-i-f%C3%B8devarer.aspx
- https://mst.dk/kemi/kemikalier/fokus-paa-saerlige-produkter/kosmetik/saerlige-stoffer/saerligt-om-cannabis-og-cbd/
Frequently Asked Questions about CBD Oil in Denmark
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers regarding buying CBD oil in Denmark.
Can I buy CBD oil in Denmark?
Yes, it is possible to buy CBD oil legally in Denmark. You can purchase it from a physical store that sells CBD products or from an online store.
Is it legal to buy CBD oil in Denmark?
As a buyer, you can easily purchase CBD oil without worrying about legal ramifications. You only need to ensure the THC level in the oil. It should not exceed 0.2%.
Do I need a prescription to buy CBD oil in Denmark?
No, you don’t need a prescription to purchase CBD oil in Denmark as long as you are not using the oil for medicinal purposes. If you are looking from a medicinal point of view, it is advisable to get a doctor’s prescription and purchase the oil from a licensed pharmacy that retails CBD oil.
What are some good online sources to buy CBD oil in Denmark?
While many online brands and retailers sell CBD oil in Denmark, some of the most notable are NordicOil, Raworganics, FormulaSwiss, Canvita and Naturecan . These brands ship CBD products to Denmark.
Can I use CBD oil to treat my pet?
It is illegal to buy CBD oil for pets in Denmark. Hence, it would be best if you did not opt for it. Instead, consult your veterinarian to find alternative ways to treat your pet.
In Conclusion
As you can see, buying CBD oil in Denmark is not illegal; hence, you can buy it without worries.