Tips & Tricks for Writing a Great Danish CV or Resume in English


By Kristian


A Danish CV should be brief, well-organized, and convincing

If you’re looking for a job in Denmark, you need to create a CV that makes your employer curious and eagerly invite you for a job interview.

CVs in Denmark often have certain aspects of layout, presentation, and content, along with recognizable customs that can improve your chances of catching a potential employer’s eye.

Whether you are writing your CV in English or Danish, making your resume easy and interesting in layout, content, and style is important to help you land the job of your dreams. Here are some simple tips and tricks to help you on this journey. 

Key Takeaways

  • A well-laid-out resume is important in Denmark
  • Avoid making your resume too long, keep it light and interesting
  • Professional references are important.
  • Pick the right font, images, and content for your resume. 

What does a typical Danish CV need to include?

No matter what kind of job you are applying for in Denmark, you want your interviewer to look at you with interest and admiration, not as someone desperate for someone to recognize and reward your talent.

Along with your professional mannerisms, your application can play a major role in making you look well-read, confident, and skilled, especially if you are looking for a highly demanding job. 

The first step when it comes to offering in an application is to ensure that your assigned role and the one you’re applying for are the same. It would be best if you took the time to explain why you’re the right person for the job at that particular company and what you can bring to the table, along with the unique selling point that makes you stand out from the rest. 

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It’s your role to show why you’re right for the position and can start adding value right away, which is why it’s highly recommended to design a Danish CV highlighting the projects you have worked on and how these contributions relate to the task at hand.

For example, if you’re applying for an event planner job, you must have worked on several projects that included budgets, dealing with suppliers, juggling a range of decors, guests, and more. 

CV in denmark

What CV format is widely used and accepted in Denmark?

Unless you have a long and complex career, your Danish CV should not be more than a single page. It needs to be simple with clear sections, information, and fonts like Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Garamond. Always keep your fonts relevant to the job you are applying for.

The first page must include the most important and exciting information that can be easily found. 

Most hiring managers go through a zillion CVs daily, meaning your resume needs to be catchy and interesting from the beginning to capture their attention.

Keeping things short and to the point is key, and you must decide what aspects of your experience to showcase. If your employer asks you more questions, you can then go on in detail about the thing you’re proud of; however, on your CV, your information needs to be to the point. 

Titles, grades, and long descriptions aren’t a golden ticket in Denmark unless they are required for certain jobs like doctors, architects, or engineers. Most Danish employers are looking for someone that can be a good social fit on the team, friendly, approachable, and skilled in what they do. 

Is highlighting your openness to Danish culture important?

When hiring foreigners, most Danish employers worry about them being a good social fit for the company. Most Danes grow up in a monoculture with a certain way of doing things.

They are looking to hire people that are culturally relaxed, open, and fit well into their team, along with understanding their workplace and employee culture. Here are some things that your employer will look for.

  • A perfect fit for the team

When given the resume of a technically excellent employee that’s well-read and professional but rigid and a less gifted employee that’s friendly and approachable, most hiring managers will opt for the second one. Teamwork and group work are very important to Danish society. 

  • Openness to Danish culture

If you’re not Danish, you don’t need to pretend you are one, but always show your openness and respect for Danish culture. Heading to the interview on time, dressing in a certain way, being polite, open, and more can point things in your favor. 

  • Keep your resume short and sweet.

Only include the important and interesting things in your CV, including your work experience, your skills, and what you can bring to the job. When asked by your employer, you can indicate how far you’ve come in your Danish language classes or have been involved in certain sports clubs, community activities, and more to show your team spirit. 

  • Highlight activities that you’re engaged in

Certain sports like football hold a lot of emotion and resonance for Danes, and right from supporting a certain team to even playing with your community or friends can be a great thing to add to your resume.

This can be great for employers as they will know that you would perfectly fit into company activities and team sports. 

Should you include a photo on your Danish resume?

A Danish CV generally includes a photo. Keep in mind that most other countries ask for professional, serious, and formal photos, but this isn’t the right approach for Denmark.

While not required, if you are adding a Danish CV photo, you should show yourself slightly smiling and looking like a pleasant person with whom anyone would love to share a meal.

Related: Get a job as an au-pair in Denmark

Invest in a high-quality photo and if your smartphone doesn’t cut it, go and get your photo taken by a professional and take the time to plan your background or attire depending on the job you are opting for.

Unless you’re in the banking or medical sector, choose a photo that shows you on the job front, for example, an event planner in a pretty dress and simple scarf or a construction site worker wearing a hard hat. 

Do you need to shorten your name for your Danish CV?

If your name is difficult to pronounce or very long, you might consider shortening it or simply using a nickname that the Danes can handle. Always keep your nickname on hand when calling your potential employer, leaving a message, or even sending in your CV.

If your name is quite difficult and you don’t have a nickname, you can always choose one and stick to it, and that can be your work name when doing business. Remember that you don’t have to do this, but it helps increase your chances of getting a job. 

Are there any common resume mistakes people make?

Your resume should be flawless and follow a certain template, and you want your employer to focus on your excellent skills, education, and capabilities, not on your grammatical mistakes.

Always check if you’ve capitalized the name of your last company or university and if you’ve added any jargon, mysterious commas, and full stops where they should not be put.

Most websites offer a grammatical copy-edit check and will pick out any errors in your resume.

This is well worth the investment; you can use it to check your cover letter, profile, and CV before sending it. It’s also a good practice to have another professional review your CV to see if you’re missing out on anything. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Writing A Great Danish Resume

Here are some of the many questions about writing a great resume in Denmark and what to keep in mind. 

What is the difference between your CV and your LinkedIn profile?

Ask yourself first, which one will your recruiter check, your CV or LinkedIn profile? For example, if you apply for a role and don’t supply your CV, your recruiter may search for you on LinkedIn after receiving your application. This is why submitting a well-written CV is an asset and allows your recruiter to check all that you offer and if it matches their criteria.

How should I tackle any employment gaps I have in my CV?

Whether you’ve been traveling, caring for a sick parent, or out of a job for a while, employment gaps can be scary, and you may not know what to tell your new employer. However, it’s best to acknowledge and account for any gaps on your CV, like adding the dates, a short explanation, and how you’ve been using your time proactively and productively.

How to write a strong CV if I don’t have much experience?

This is an extremely common challenge, and if this is the case, then it’s best to include whatever experience you have, even if it’s not relevant to the role you are applying for. Certain part-time jobs, hobbies, volunteer work, and more can be demonstrated on your CV.

How do I know what to include if I have a lot of experience?

As mentioned before, if you have a lot of experience and knowledge, it’s best to add relevant information about what you can bring to this job and how your skills can help you. Look for topics or experience that stands out to your recruiter and add only those. You can then inform them of anything else you have done and what they need to know.

How often should I update my CV?

It’s good to regularly update your CV even if you aren’t actively looking for a new job. For example, if you’ve learned a new skill, completed a major project, gotten promoted, or even taken on a new language, update your CV to reflect that. This will help you remember all your key points so that you won’t forget anything when you are looking out for a new job.

End Note

Now that you know everything to help with your Danish CV writing skills, keep these tips and tricks in mind, as they can help you gain confidence and better your chances of snagging a job.

Always do your research and create a CV that’s concise, clear, and interesting. 


ABOUT Kristian

Kristian is from Denmark but now lives in Thailand. As a foreigner in another country, he knows the need to get a good start, especially in finance, such as taking out loans, buying a car, and finding the best internet at a reasonable price.

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